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  • Remembrance 2023

    Sun 19 Nov 2023

    At Swaffham Primary Academy we REMEMBER together every year and share in a silence. Our whole school Remembrance assembly was led by Mrs Rice and Miss Lipop. Every class shared what Remembrance means to them, as well as their creations of poppies and read out poetry they had created. We focused on being thankful for soldiers, doctors, nurses, animals and every person who helps or has helped someone supporting and protecting our country. We talked about bravery, being grateful, honour and thanks. It was a wonderful, moving celebration.

  • Anti-Bullying week

    Sun 19 Nov 2023

    To promote the meaning behind anti-bullying week and celebrate how we are all different and unique, that we are an inclusive school, we used one shoe from every child and teacher to create a word that represents Swaffham Primary Academy: Belong! 
