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Speech, Communication and Language

Speech, Communication and Language at Swaffham Church of England Primary Academy


Our intent is for every child at Swaffham Primary Academy to develop their speech, language and communication skills so that they are a confident communicator, with the ability to express themselves as individuals, share their thoughts, ideas and feelings and participate in discussion, taking turns and listening to others.


Speech, Language and Communication is known as SLC and children can have a variety of SLC needs (SLCN). We aim to identify any needs early on to make sure that we put the right support in place. 


Please see our family flyer for more information. If you have any concerns about your child's speech, language or communication or would like to know more, please speak to your child's class teacher, Mrs Rice our SENDCo and Communication Champion, or Miss Lambert our Reception teacher and Communication Champion.


For a detailed overview of how we identify SLC needs and support these across our school please read the document below. 

