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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

with Miss Purple 


Our Year 2 class is known as Water Voles. 

Together, we shine as we learn, we believe and we belong.

Our PE day is Friday. 



Theme 2 - Culture (Zero to Hero)

Our second theme of the year is Culture. The unit within this theme is called Zero to Hero. It has a strong focus on history and learning about people who have succeed throughout history. In History, the children will be learning about Florence Nightingale, Howard Carter, Helen Keller, Mother Teresa, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Elizabeth II and David Attenborough. We will examine sources, be able to work out the chronology of each individual, what they caused to change and what their historical significance was.






Culture Curriculum Overview

Theme 1 - Conservation (Going Wild)

Our first theme of the year is called Going Wild. This theme has a strong focus on wildlife that can be found within Africa. In Science, we will cover Animals Including Humans and Living Things and Their Habitats. In Animals Including Humans, we will be looking at the offspring, the human lifecycle and how to keep our bodies fit and healthy. In Living Things and Their Habitats, we will be looking at whether something is alive, dead or never been alive, microhabitats, habitats and adaptations for their environment. In Geography, we will be looking at what a continent is and how it is different to a country, we will also look at the continent of Africa and be able to recognise human and physical features of this continent, we will learn about a safari and why animals have become endangered. In History, we look at key historical skills of chronology and using sources to learn about what we can learn about extinct animals.  

Conservation - Going Wild Curriculum overview

Conservation - Art (Relief Printing)

Spellings - Autumn 2 (October to December)
