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Year 1 Home Learning


This term we will be consolidating our learning about alternative sounds and the tricky words we have learnt so far.


As part of the unit of learning, we will be revising the alternative sounds for some of the previously learnt phonemes.

Whilst you are at home, you can use this workbook to support you. We aim to complete one unit per week and are currently focusing on Unit 3 and 4. Please do not complete all units in one go, the best way our children learn is through little and often - this means one page per day and only one unit per week. This will help them embed the learning and be able to apply it independently.


This unit of work will have us write a diary of events, using the story 'Oliver's Vegetables' as our stimulus. We have enjoyed learning about Oliver and all of the vegetables he tries from his Gran and Grandpa's wonderful garden.

We are trying to deepen our understanding of using conjunctions (because, but, and) as well as adjectives (huge, beautiful, loud, red, bright).

At the end of the unit we will have written a diary entry for each day of the week. We will be writing about Oliver and the things he finds. Each day is a new vegetable for him to try and soon Oliver finds he actually LOVES vegetables and not just chips!



We are now begining to revise previously taught mathematical ideas. This week we are focusing on addition and subtraction within 50. We are investigating and revising ways we can add and subtract mentally using number bonds, counting on/back and revisiting written methods such as a numberline.


We are continuing to follow the White Rose sequence of learning which can be found here:

On this page, click on 'Year 1' and scroll down until you see 'Addition and Subtraction' and click on this. Clicking title will take you to a set of videos and activities and in these the children will be given activities to complete.We are completing:

Representing numbers

Comparing objects

Comparing numbers

Ordering numbers

The activity sheets for the above concepts are below:


We try to hear every child read at least twice a week in school. At home, we would like you to keep reading with your child as often as possible. Please watch this video on how to use our reading scheme at home with your child. If you need further access to books, you can use the free website Oxford Owl. The login and password for this is LittleTerns (all one word, case sensitive). On this website, you can filter for age appropriate texts for your child at home.


For the next 9 weeks we will be learning all about our new topic 'Unity in the Community'. In this topic, we will be learning about our local community and how we can help look after the local environment. In Geography, Year 1 will be learning how to use maps and directional language to find difference places as well as reading map symbols. We will discuss people of significance in History, such as Howard Carter, who are local to Swaffham community. In Science, we will be learning about the different parts of a plant and how we can look after plants to help them grow healthily. In Music, we will be looking at signs and symbols and how musicians use these to help them read and create unique pieces of music. In our RSE we will be looking at how we can keep ourselves and others safe.

Our topic is focusing on our school and wider community and how we as individuals can support and contribute to life as a community.


Please pick at least one activity each week from the grid below to complete at home by Friday 6th May. If you would like to complete more than one, there are plenty to choose from and we would welcome all the work you complete in class earlier than this date.

You can present your learning from home however you choose: photographs, writing, drawings or any other way you can think of.
We look forward to seeing how you take your learning home to complete these tasks.
