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PE & Wellbeing

Wellbeing is all about looking after yourself and your family and making sure you have a balanced lifestyle. This includes PE activities as well as making time for yourself.




At this time it is really important to remain as active as possible to help maintain your health and fitness. This in turn can improve your overall wellbeing.


Here is a collection of resources that you could use. Please make sure that you follow the current Government guidelines when performing these activities:


The Daily Mile - It’s an easy and fun way to keep fit and maintain good health and wellbeing for you and your children.

UK Active Move Crew

Click on the link below to find a wide range of videos containing fun activities demonstrated by our UK athletes.  There is something for everyone dance, fitness, and skill-based challenges.

West Norfolk SSP with all the virtual challenges


Sportshall Home Pentathlon Challenge


P.E. with Joe Wicks

Here is the link to the P.E. workouts


Funetics - Athletic activity ideas that can be carried out safely at home. Perhaps they can be put together to create a competition for the whole family?

NHS website - providing information on exercise, it's benefits and ideas for what to do. Aimed at all ages.


Disney 10 Minute Shakeups - 10-minute activities based on Disney films that count towards a child’s 60 active minutes per day.


#ThisIsPE - videos delivered by teachers focusing on the PE curriculum which are accessible on YouTube.



During this difficult and unsettling time, it can feel like our minds are busy and there is a lot to keep track of with routines changing and priorities shifting. We have created a list of ideas to help you look after yourselves and take small moments each day to allow your mind to focus. They are based on mindfulness - a form of attention training that allows you to appreciate the moment and the things around you. It can help you to manage stress and anxieties whilst building a better space in your mind for focus, creativity and emotions and improving your mental health and wellbeing. Pick one to do each day, they take approximately 2-5 minutes of your day, whenever it fits into your newly establishing routine. Make sure you are ready for mindfulness. If you are full of energy and itching to run and play, it may be best to try these activities at a different time.


  • Place your hands on your stomach (you could lay down or sit up). Close your eyes and focus on the movement of your stomach as you breathe, feeling it rise and fall. Do this for around 2 minutes before stopping.
  • Take your pen or pencil for a 'walk' on the page for one minute. Move it slowly around the page, creating a random patterns and shapes. Do not take the pen/pencil away from the page until the minute is up. Once the time is up, look at the shapes formed. You could then make the time to colour in the shapes, add different patterns to each shape and create a new piece of artwork.
  • Try a new pose - repeat a few times (around 10).
    The Superman: this pose is practiced by standing with the feet just wider than the hips, fists clenched, and arms reached out to the sky, stretching the body as tall as possible.
    The Wonder Woman: this pose is struck by standing tall with legs wider than hip-width apart and hands or fists placed on the hips
  • "Spidey Senses" - find in an area of your home and focus in on your senses - sight, smell, touch/feel, taste, hearing. In the area you have chosen, what senses can you use? You could write them down and each day find a new area to complete this activity.
  • Safari adventure - turning your daily walk/exercise into an adventure. Tell your kids that you will be going on a safari: their goal is to notice as many birds, bugs, creepy-crawlies, and any other animals as they can. Anything that walks, crawls, swims, or flies is of interest, and they’ll need to focus all of their senses to find them