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Welcome to the Friends of Swaffham Primary School. We are a small group of people consisting of staff, parents and members of the community. We hold fundraising events during the year and are well known for our bingo evenings!


If you are interested in finding out more about the friends or attending one of our meetings, get in contact with us at or check below to find out when our next meeting is. you can keep up to date with everything that we are doing by looking below or in our notice board near the main gate to the school.


Your 2019-2020 Comittee!

Chair Person - Pam Muckley

Secratary - Linda Powley/Pam Muckley 

Treasurer - Jules Halls

Fundraising Co-ordinator - Linda Powley


Next Meeting

Our next meeting date will be posted here...

New members welcome and needed!


Friends Update

Thank you for your support at our Christmas bingo, we managed to raise an amazing £1,140!

We are purchasing wet play games for classes to use during the wet, cold winter months.


Upcoming Events

Dec 13 - Christmas Fair - School Hall (children only).


Keep an eye on the notice board and website to keep up to date with everything Friends! 
